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Nail Treatment: Simple Pedicure at Home

By 7:51 PM ,

Pedicure is needed for you who want to treat your toenails. It’s one of beauty care ways which is especially for nail treatment. But pedicure is treatment only for your toenails. Besides nail treatment, beauty care is also about caring your toe nails.

Usually, some women will go to salon for having pedicure. They also have to prepare some money to pay the cost. Sometimes, pedicure is on expensive price. But, don’t worry! You will get simple tips to do pedicure at your home.

Besides cheaper, it also just needs nature materials. So, keep reading here! Here are easy tips for you.

After you cut your toenails by nail clippers, you have to take water which is mixed with salt and rose sepal. Then, soak your feet into that mixed water.You also have to brush your feet and toenails softly. It can help you to throw out the cuticle around your toenails.

After that, you have to apply feet scrub and spread the moistening cream on each your heel. Then, wipe your feet and toenails by soft towel. You also have to keep your nails from nail polish for two weeks. It will help you to avoid yellowish nails. Finally, those are all about simple beauty care and nail treatment.

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